Depression and Failure, the Worst Combination

3 min readMay 16, 2021


In a world full of accomplishments and high standards, people sometimes cannot meet the world’s expectations or live up to it. Being introduced with failure whether in something significant to one’s life or not, will put you down one way or another. Therefore, it’s easy to fail but it’s not easy to get back up. Failure can destroy you mentally, physically, and emotionally. It’s a dark hole that will keep pulling you closer until you give up for good and this is what modern psychology calls depression. People for the most part suffer from depression because of a past trauma and they experience a number of gloomy thoughts that aren’t particularly true which will eventually lead to self-destruction.

In this regard, failure is one of the life traumas that people experience and what most people might not know is that it causes depression. The connection between depression and failure is the fact that they’re closely related to one another in meaning and this connection is actually very common among us. When failure encounters someone, in many cases the person will think less of themselves and will make any excuse to beat themselves up for something that was out of their control. Moreover, it’s fundamental to fail but it’s such a hard experience that blinds you from seeing the positive aspect of it and that’s why there’s a huge possibility to suffer from depression after failure. Suffering from depression will not only bring you down constantly, it will alienate you from the rest of the world; nothing would look the same anymore, happiness wouldn’t be real, in fact, the desire to be happy would be non-existent to them, having dreams and goals would be a vanished thought, looking forward to accomplish or finish something would be irrelevant to their existence, and motivation would reach its last breath in their life. So, when failure and depression conjoin, they create a dark cloud above you where hopes, dreams, self-love, encouragement, motivation, and empowerment are not welcomed. It’s extremely hard to overcome this conjoined force because you’re not only facing failure, you’re facing depression as well. As a result, depression could lead to self-harm and people feel the need to do it as a way of self-punishment or as a coping mechanism toward all the trauma and failure that they’ve experienced. How can you prevent yourself from reaching this state? For starters, change your views about failure and start thinking of it as getting one step closer to your goal. Next, don’t let yourself grief over your failure.

As many may say, you must grief in order to move on; however, in failure, grief is the dark point where dark thoughts come up and positivity doesn’t stand a chance. So, get right back up and keep moving and accomplishing until the end result. Finally, surround yourself with positive energies and people whom you confide in because who you choose to be around is significantly important for your recovery and moral support.

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Written by Failtell

FailTell is an online platform where people can read our mentors’ inspiring stories of overcoming failures in a wide range of topics.

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